Tart with raw-and-cooked local greens

Chef François Pasteau’s recipe is of course good for the planet with a reduced carbon footprint. Made with local and in-season vegetables, this Tart with local raw and cooked greens is a colourful starter!

Chef François Pasteau’s recipe is of course good for the planet with a reduced carbon footprint. Made with local and in-season vegetables, this Tart with local raw and cooked greens is a colourful starter!

Ingredients to serve 4

Tapenade shortbread biscuit

  • 100 gr flour
  • 3 gr salt
  • 70 gr butter
  • 30 gr water
  • 20 gr parmesan cheese
  • 20 gr tapenade

Whisk all ingredients together. When mixed, place in 80 mm / 3-inch cookie cutters on a baking sheet and cook for 5 to 6 minutes at 180 C° / 350 F°. Allow biscuits to cool before removing cookie cutters.

Red onion jam

  • 4 large red onions
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 pinches of sugar
  • ground black pepper
  • 5 cl red wine vinegar
  • 3 cl grenadine (pomegranate syrup)
  • 3 cl red wine

Peel and mince red onions, fry with butter salt and pepper until slices are transparent. Add liquids and cook until fully concentrated.


  • 4 baby purple carrots
  • 4 baby carrots
  • 1 large yellow carrot
  • 1 beetroot
  • 1 yellow beetroot
  • 1 chioggia beetroot
  • 2 small leeks
  • 4 mini parsnips
  • ¼ of a brocoli

Peel and slice all vegetables except red beetroot. Boil mini parsnips, leeks, carrots, yellow carrot in salted water, then place in cold water and set aside. Wash and bake red parsnip with skin on a bed of coarse salt at 170 C° / 340 F° for 2 hours. Peel and set aside. Slice yellow beetroot, chioggia beetroot and purple carrots with mandolin (very thin slices) and set aside. Remove brocoli tips.


Place shortbread biscuit on plate, cover with red onion jam, place raw and cooked greens around, add salt / pepper if necessary. Add a blade of chives or two as decoration, mash rest of red beetroot and broccoli separately and place dollops on plate.