Food & Values offers you to discover a recipe by each of the Chefs we have interviewed.
While these recipes provide an interesting insight into their personalities,
they are also easy and waste-free, and are guarateed to please.
So get your aprons on!
Do not hesitate to post pictures of your best culinary achievements on social networks!
Julien Duboué
Recipe King Prawn Curry Polenta by Julien Duboué

Born in Landes, in Southwestern France, amid corn farms, Chef Julien Duboué is an enthusiastic advocate of the cereal. With an organic corn farmer, he brings back forgotten varieties and showcases them in his latest cook book « 100% maïs – Naturellement sans gluten » (« 100% corn – Naturally Gluten-Free » - Alain Ducassse publishing). Here is his slightly exotic recipe of curry and prawn polenta.
Eric Guérin
Chef Eric Guérin’s recipe : hummus with steam-cooked shrimps and vinaigrette

As in his book Migrations, Chef Eric Guérin takes you on a tasty and romantic journey: hummus, steam-cooked king prawns with cumin, honey, tonic and grapefruit vinaigrette. A recipe that is also an invitation to travel and a promise of escape – served in a tender nest, to make you feel as cozy as in his restaurant “Mare aux oiseaux” (The Bird Pond) or his “Jardin des plumes” (Garden of Feathers).
Yves Camdeborde
Roast eggs with wood sorrel, boletus mushroom and side bacon

Béarn-born chef Yves Camdeborde shares an original and tasty recipe. Yes, it's just eggs, but they are roasted in breadcrumbs and ground hazelnuts, and served with strip-bacon-wrapped boletus mushrooms. Before serving, leaves of oxalis - wood sorrel, or little sorrel, looking a bit like clover - of the edible sort ! - are added to bring freshness. A quick and easy recipe that is guaranteed to impress !
Shéhrazade Schneider
Carrot Tops Canardeli Recipe

Canardeli were traditionally prepared in poor families in Northern Italy. They are a kind of gnocchi using stale bread instead of letting it go to waste. This is a creative and tasty way to recycle leftovers. In her recipe, Shéhrazade Schneider suggest adding carrot tops that would otherwise be wasted too. Twice as much recycling – and a nice alternative to French toast!
Kamal Mouzawak
Tabbouleh recipe

In Lebanon, there can be no mezze or dinner party or holiday celebration without tabbouleh !
And each family has its very own version.
Kamal Mouzawak used to favour a crunchy version, until he found out that the hearty and moist bulgar version is more easily digested.
Here is his personal tabbouleh recipe – as everyone must have his / hers – to be eaten with lettuce leaves, white cabbage, or – even better – young, fresh, tender vine leaves. And Kamal Mouzawak’s mother used to have hers every Sunday with a bunch of green pepper leaves.
David Royer
Raw and cooked garden vegetables

‘The Little Vegetable Garden’ is a classic at David Royer’s restaurant, ‘Les Orangeries’. It changes with the seasons and gathers vegetables in all states : raw AND cooked! A sprinkling of powdered rye bread adds a finishing touch, as a reference to earth, and as a memory of the Chef’s Finnish years.
Niki Kopcke
Plum Torte recipe

Niki Kopcke inherited this recipe from her mother, who clipped it out of “The New York Times” in the 1970s – and still has the clipping in one of the old binders where she has been keeping recipes since her twenties. It is one of the best cakes Niki has ever had - buttery and moist, with a beautifully tender crumb. It also happens to be extremely easy!
Stéphane Jégo
Recipe parmesan light cream

At L’Ami Jean, every meal starts with a light and flavor-rich soup – a pleasant and traditional way to stimulate diners’ appetite. The one described here is easy to cook and features a quality classic : 24-month mature parmesan (the older the better). Something to warm hearts and bodies !
Jean-Pierre Vigato
Recipe Grilled Pigeon and Foie gras, pan-fried herbs and short gravy with spices

While Chef Jean-Pierre Vigato likes to make cooking accessible to all, he also enjoys dealing with more exclusive products in his Michelin-starred restaurant. The recipe he gives us here is grilled pigeon and foie gras, with pan-fried herbs and short gravy with spices - something to bring a festive atmosphere to our tables!
François Pasteau
Tart with raw-and-cooked local greens

Chef François Pasteau’s recipe is of course good for the planet with a reduced carbon footprint. Made with local and in-season vegetables, this Tart with local raw and cooked greens is a colourful starter!