Food & Values lets Chefs speak out about their values and the causes they care about.
By means of personal stories, and by showcasing their knowhow and their behaviour in the kitchen, Food & Values spotlights values and good habits that anyone, not just other Chefs, can choose to emulate.
Through various profiles, dealing with cross-cutting issues such as management, entrepreneurship, sustainable development, heath, ethics, disability, the inclusion of immigrants and refugees in society, Food & Values aims to bring everyone a bit of meaning and optimism and inspiration.
With a human and universal touch, Food & Values offers you the opportunity to discover Chefs’ life stories, experiences and commitments, along with their favorite places and recipes: profiles of Chefs with a conscience – and even activist Chefs !
- #Management
- #HumanResources
- #Education
- #KnowledgeTransfer
- #Entrepreneurship
- #MadeInFrance
- #SocialAndSociallyResponsibleEconomy
- #SustainableDevelopment
- #ShortSupplyChains
- #LocalFood
- #SafeguardingThePlanet
- #Health
- #Well-Being
- #Innovation
- #NewTechnology
- #ArtsAndCulture
- #CulturalHeritage
- #Tradition
- #Ethics
- #HumanitarianConcerns
If you feel like sharing with our readers issues and concerns dear to your hearts, or inspiring practices and ideas, we would be delighted to meet you. Please email
If you have suggestions, comments or other forms of stimulation, please email
