Roast eggs with wood sorrel, boletus mushroom and side bacon

Béarn-born chef Yves Camdeborde shares an original and tasty recipe. Yes, it’s just eggs, but they are roasted in breadcrumbs and ground hazelnuts, and served with strip-bacon-wrapped boletus mushrooms. Before serving, leaves of oxalis – wood sorrel, or little sorrel, looking a bit like clover – of the edible sort ! – are added to bring freshness. A quick and easy recipe that is guaranteed to impress !

roast eggs with wood sorrel, boletus mushroom and side bacon

Béarn-born chef Yves Camdeborde shares an original and tasty recipe. Yes, it’s just eggs, but they are roasted in breadcrumbs and ground hazelnuts, and served with strip-bacon-wrapped boletus mushrooms. Before serving, leaves of oxalis – wood sorrel, or little sorrel, looking a bit like clover – of the edible sort ! – are added to bring freshness. A quick and easy recipe that is guaranteed to impress !

Ingredients to serve 4

– 6 eggs
– 12 small firm boletus mushrooms
– 100 grams (3.5 oz) oxalis (wood sorrel)
– 20 thin strips of ventrèche (side bacon)
– 200 grams (7 oz) ground hazelnuts
– 200 grams (7 oz) breadcrumbs
– Hazelnut oil
– Flour
– Butter
– Olive oil
– Salt and pepper


– Boil four eggs for 5 minutes in water with a few drops of vinegar.
– Drop eggs in ice cold water and wait until completely cold. Remove shells carefully and set aside in a bowl of water.
– Place 8 strips of bacon on a griddle. Bake at 180 C / 350 F / 4 until very crisp. Place on kitchen paper.
– Carefully clean mushrooms –DO NOT detach cap from stalk. Place a strip of bacon around each stalk. Roast gently until golden brown and season to taste. Set aside.
– Mix breadcrumbs and hazelnut powder.
– Mix two eggs with a teaspoon of water in a mixing bowl. Whip until thoroughly blended.
– Dry the 4 soft-boiled eggs and dip them in flour, then in whipped eggs, then in the breadcrumbs-and-hazelnut mix. Do this twice for each egg, then roast gently but fast in a pan, being careful not to let them become hard.


– Arrange roast eggs, bacon strips and mushrooms in dinner plates. Sprinkle wood sorrel over plates, add a generous dash of ground pepper and a few drops of hazelnut oil.
– Ground hazelnuts can be replaced by almond powder.


You can boil eggs the day before and leave them in water in the refrigerator overnight – peeling them will be much easier.

Wine pairing

A nice Beaujolais by Christophe Pacalet would be the right companion for this dish. Alternatively, a Moulin à Vent could help balance the wood sorrel’s sourness and the sweetness of roast eggs.